Wednesday, December 18, 2013

love with your eyes OPEN..

I remember as a young Christian girl  newly born again walking with friends while talking to our spiritual dad Mr.Daniel Mlambo whom after so many wise sayings he uttered this ladies"start praying about your future partners and everyday walk in purity"
It is 10 years now and I can reflect why he said so..

We are in days or time where love issues should be taken seriously by invinting God 100%,the problem is when we meet people we love we find so many excuses for not involving God hence when our skills and humanly wisdom fail we cry to God for help.I remember making the same mistake untill graciously God reminded me of my prayer that was tought by my teacher above hence had to breakup and start with God.

#Here are questions to ask yourself before invitting that man or lady into your heart.#

Writting this from my heart knowing how costly and painfull it is to start a relationship and come to break it.
1.Can you see yourself in the picture of his /her  future?-when you meet someone do you see yourself helping him o her become what he or she wants au unajiona kibanio/kiraka tu.
2.Do you love him or her enough to marry?-ask this question to know  wether its his money,fame that pulls you or there is real love grown in you.
3.Am you proud of him or her?-am I confident enough to introduce to family,friends and even church.
4.Is God involved?when these feelings developed what is God saying about my choice,because sometimes we are warned that this is not the right thing but we disobey then we get hurt.Why is it important to involve God.
*will help you through exposing negative character of the person you love.
*the person will lose interest by wearing you off so you will not marry them.
Those are incase you are in wrong relationship.
But when you meet the right one God involvement will help you √endure during challenges because not everday things will be easy there moments of ups and downs.
√help you forgive easily.
√give you wisdom on how to handle your relationship.
5.Is it the right time?-it is also important to start relationship at the right time sometimes rushing it can cause alot of damage.
6.Is the feeling mutual?-are we all in love or one is forced to love,i remember my father warning me marrng someone who isnt in love with me as he explained that it may reach time of quarrel and he wilnever accept his wrong deeds by saying afterall it was you who loved me much I never loved find the mutuality in the feeling.

My request is to involve 
GOD much as relationships can be doors or walls that can bring blessings or curse in your life,happiness or your eyes when you get a wrong partner results to a wrong marriage

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