Sunday, December 1, 2013

give your past to GOD

Your more than the sum of your past mistake!!!
Your past can never dictate your future when it is in GODs hands.Be assured that once you repent and desire to start a fresh GOD do respect that decision of yours and HE keeps your inquities far as how north and south are.
*****Whenever the devil and his comrades reminds you of your past,remind  them their future too.***

√It is true that you aborted so many times.
√It is true that your  addicted to pornography and masturbation.
√it is true that your serving GOD but you are doing sex secretly and yet pretend as if nothing happened.
There is nothing the blood of Jesus can not cleanse,Iam a testimony of how God can transform you when you offer your past to Him,,Iam encouraging you today come as you are enter in His presence unload those heavy luggages of your past to HIM come ooh beloved come..

The time is now to step into God so as you gain a new start towards a happily and victorious life...
#we win our past through Christ#

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